Nature's Plan

Animal Planet

Pet Care

First Days

Bringing Home Your First Puppy

When you bring your new puppy into your home for the first time, he?l probably feel frighten and apprehensive. Remember, he? in a strange new environment.

Be cheerful and encouraging with your new puppy. Give him lots of affectionate attention, and let him explore his new surroundings and become familiar with them. Loud noises, crowds of strangers, and noisy children may scare him. Don? punish your pup or speak harshly to him, even if he has had an accident or makes a mess. At this early point, the only thing a puppy learns from your reprimands is to fear you. A happy experience in his first few days at home will have a lasting, positive effect on your pet? attitude.

After your puppy has become accustomed to his new home, and to you and your family, you can begin to expose him to others. Take him to a family gathering or to meet the neighbors. Dogs are instinctively social, and your puppy will be eager for friendly contact. Don? leave your puppy alone for long periods of time.

Naming Your Puppy

Your may already have a perfect name for your new pet, but if you?e still deciding, here are some tips: two-syllable names that end in a ???or ??? like Sara or Bosco, are easiest for the dog to recall and won? be confused with one-syllable commands, like ?it??and ?tay?? When you do choose a name, use it consistently until your pup understands and responds to it. Calling your new puppy ?reckles?? ?reck?? and ?reckie??will confuse him.

Your Puppy? Place

Your puppy needs a place of his own. Give him a box or a dog bed inside a pen in a warm, draught-free corner. (A traveling pen has the advantage of being useful throughout your dog? life. If you decide to buy one, make sure it?l be big enough for your pet when he? full-grown.) Your puppy will use this place to rest and sleep and he?l feel safe and protected there. Putting a carton or a box on its side to make an enclosed bed will make him feel even more secure. Why? A cave was home to the dog? wolf ancestor, so your puppy instinctively feels cozy and safe in anything remotely cave-like - even just a turned-over box! Add some warm, washable bedding (like an old blanket or towel) and your puppy? place is complete.

Respect your puppy? privacy when he? in his special place: don? just reach in and pull him out; let him come out by himself. Don? let children bother or tease him. He needs to feel that he? safe when he? in his special place.

Try not to leave him locked there for long periods, and don? banish him to his place when he? been bad. Doing that will convince him that it? a place of punishment rather than a comforting refuge.

You?l be glad you gave your pup his own place when he goes there for his naps or happily snuggles down for the night without whimpering and crying. And you?l know that he? not getting into any mischief, even when you can? be there to watch him.

In This Section

Which Breed is Right for You?


First Days


Puppy Care


Your Dog’s Health





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